
Visiting the Spire and the Temple Bar

- Posted on: 14/02/2022 - By: Gabi Hasselmann $itemValue.title

I knew you would love The Church too! Okay, so now you said you want to see the Temple Bar area, right? So, let’s head there! 

Oh, do you see that giant needle pointing towards the sky? That’s the Spire I mentioned before. It is one of the most famous landmarks in Dublin city, and it’s also named the Monument of Light. All my friends that have come to Dublin asked me the same question: how tall is it? So, I know this info with all my heart! hehe. It’s 120m high and 3m in diameter at the base. And the craziest thing is to look at it from far when it’s windy and see it kind of moving. First time I saw it I thought there was something very wrong but then I found out that its upper part is lit by small LED lights that move when the wind blows - what I’d say is pretty frequent here! :’D For me the nicest thing about it is its meaning: it toasts Dublin’s bustling present and points towards a brighter and prosperous future.

So here we are welcome to Temple Bar Square! This area is the heart of Dublin - you can already feel it during the day, but the evening time is when this place is buzzing! There is always something going on, every pub is full of life and good vibes, and many of them host live folk music DJ sets!

Art is also spread around and, since I know you are an art lover, we should plan to come to the Temple Bar Gallery while you are here, which was one of the first DIY artist-led initiatives in Ireland. Jam Art Print is also an incredible place to go: it fills you with inspiration as you enter with such beautiful and fresh concepts! It’s a must-see for you, art lover! And it will also sort out some gifts you want to bring home to your friends and family.

Are you into flea markets? This area is full of incredible vintage shops. They happen to be a bit more expensive than shopping on giant shop chains, of course, but they are usually prime quality and, of course, more sustainable! 

Anyway, once in Temple Bar, having a pint is almost mandatory! Are you in for that? Okay, so let’s go to the Porterhouse, one of my favourite pubs in Dub! They are a brewing company and have two pubs in the city where you can find their tasty beers and some splendid music and excellent food! I think you’ll love it!

That was great fun, right? Well, I can imagine how tired you are after flying here and spending the afternoon having the first taste of Dublin. There are still plenty of things to do and places to explore, especially to enjoy the nightlife buzz, but we’ll have plenty of time to explore it while you’re here! Now let’s head back to the hostel to get some rest this evening and be ready to rock tomorrow!


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