
7 ways to meet people when travelling

- Posted on: 04/07/2022 - By: Juliana Hansen $itemValue.title

Meeting people and connecting with other cultures is one of the best parts of being a traveller - there's nothing better than coming home after an amazing trip knowing that you have also added some special people to your list of friends. To inspire you to connect with more people on your next trip and create friendships that can last a lifetime, here is a list of 7 things to keep in mind when trying to make new friends during your travels: 


1. Embrace diversity: be open-minded & curious to learn about other cultures

Guests enjoying some time together at Gardiner House Hostel in Dublin

There is no better way to make friends and connect with people than by simply asking questions. When visiting somewhere new, try to be as open as possible to the locals and to other travellers that cross your path, ask them about their likes and dislikes, what they do, where they are going, and how it is where they are from.  This will open the way for so many interesting conversations, and you may find out that you have a lot in common. Be open-minded about the new and unknown, and you will learn a lot about different cultures and connect with people from all around the world. 


2. Staying in hostels is a great way to make friends when travelling

Guests guests socialising in the hostel dom

Hostels are always a great place to meet other travellers on a trip, and whether you stay in a private dorm or a shared one, it always offers an open and friendly environment that will help you to connect with other guests. If you are travelling alone that's the best option to go for, since you are more likely to find other solo travellers to go on adventures with, cook together, plan a movie or game nights, and so on. Remember to keep an open and approachable attitude, and to be curious to learn and connect with others, I can guarantee you that it works every time.  


3. Join the hostel's events/activities to connect with fellow travellers 

Group of guests enjoying event at Gardiner House Hostel@canbe_hostels

If you are willing to meet new people during a trip, it’s important to not only choose the right accommodation but to make sure you will use all the benefits it has to offer you. One of the best parts of staying in hostels when travelling solo is the on-site activities offered by the accommodation, it can really help travellers to connect with each other. 

You can check the activities promoted by us at Gardiner House by accessing our Instagram page @canbe_hostels - we love creating new opportunities for you to meet other travellers and create unforgettable memories in Dublin. 


4. Go on group tours

Group of people in a walking tour around Dublin, Ireland

When going on a solo trip, a great way to meet people and learn more about the place you are visiting is by going on small group tours. You can find the best ones to join by asking at reception where you are staying - most hostels and accommodations will have partnerships with reliable local tour agencies. On our TourDesk, you can check all the tours offered by our partners and choose the ones that sound more interesting to you. There’s a huge chance you will meet people with similar interests along the way, being also a good option to save time during your trip, once you don’t have to figure out how to get to all these places by yourself. 

The tour options are endless and, in case you prefer to go on a walking tour around the city, we guarantee you won't regret joining the Generation Free Walking Tours


5. Sign up for pub crawls 

Group of people on a pubcrawl in Dublin, Ireland

When visiting Dublin it's hard to choose which of the famous pubs around the city to visit first. In that case, why not visit many of them in just one night? Make it even better by adding some people to the mix and making it a pub crawl. The idea is to visit as many pubs as possible in a few hours, having one drink in each bar before moving to the next one. 

If you are staying with us at Gardiner House you can join our partner Generation pub crawl, with a free welcome pint of Guinness and shots during the night (plus free VIP club entry!) while you go to all the most famous pubs around the city. That's a great way to connect with other travellers staying in the same accommodation and meet some locals at the pubs. Buy the tickets at the hostels reception and off you go! 


6. Invite people to join you

Many times when travelling alone we think that we have to do things by ourselves all the time, but that’s not true. Don’t be shy to invite the people you meet during your trip to join you in your adventures. Inviting other people to go with you might create a chance for you to connect even more and share special moments together, it can always bring nice things to your trip :) 


7. Be flexible & follow the flow! 

One of the best parts of being a solo traveller is being in control of your own schedule. There are no rules that can't be changed by you if you wish to do so. When looking to meet new people during a trip, try to be flexible and open to trying new adventures. Feel free to change your plans if something new comes up, maybe leave a tour that you would do alone for another day, and join the friends you met at the hostel for a tour together around the city. Going with the flow can provide you with unexpected and unforgettable #canbemoments.


That’s just a few of many things you can do to connect with other people when travelling. 

I hope you feel more inspired to go out there and make some friends after reading this post :) 

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